Trên thị trường hiện nay có rất nhiều loại máy photocopy, có rất nhiều lựa chọn cho các bạn chọn mua máy photocopy nhưng phải kể đến máy photocopy của hãng fuji xerox máy được những kỹ sư người Nhật bản thiết kế, các model máy được update theo từng năm rất nhiều mẫu mã mới càng ngày càng cải thiện độ ổn định. Máy chạy rất bền và ổn định linh kiện thay thế có sẵn rất nhiều ở việt nam.
Trong quá trình vận hành máy tuổi thọ vật tư máy sẽ có sự hao mòn gây nên các lỗi của máy. Máy photocopy Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236 sẽ báo lỗi hệ thống, trên màn hình sẽ hiện 6 mã số lỗi...Và các bạn không biết máy của mình đang bị lỗi gì ?
Hôm nay chúng tôi cung cấp cho các bạn tham khảo tài liệu tra cứu mã lỗi máy photocopy Xerox Docucentre 236 ( mã lỗi này áp dụng chung cho các máy Xerox Docucentre 286, Xerox Docucentre 336 ). Troubleshooting Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336. Tài liệu tra cứu mã lỗi nhằm giúp cho người dùng hoặc kỹ thuật xác định chính xác máy photocopy lỗi ở đâu, nguyên nhân nào gây nên để có phương án sửa chữa máy photo chính xác nhất, hiệu quả nhất. Tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng anh nên các bạn tự dịch nhé.
002-xxx HDD ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới ổ cứng ) 002-770 Job Template Processing - HD Full . 003-xxx IPS-ESS Communication ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới main ESS ) 003-318 IIT Soft Failure . 003-319 IIT Video Driver Detection Failure . 003-320 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 1 . 003-321 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 2 . . 003-322 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 3 . . 003-323 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 4 . . 003-324 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 5 . . 003-325 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 6 . . 003-326 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 7 . . 003-327 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 8 . . 003-328 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 9 . . 003-329 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 10 . 003-330 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 11 . 003-331 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 12 . 003-332 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 13 . 003-333 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 14 . 003-334 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 15 . 003-335 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 16 . 003-336 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 17 . 003-337 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 18 . 003-338 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 19 . 003-339 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 20 . 003-340 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 21 . 003-341 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 22 . 003-342 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 23 . 003-343 IISS-ESS Communication Failure 24 . 003-345 X PIO Unlatched Failure 1 . 003-346 X PIO Unlatched Failure 2 . 003-750 Book Duplex-Insufficient Docs ..... 003-751 Under PANTHER Capacity (Scan) . . 003-753 Cannot scan over 300DPI . 003-760 Scan Settings Failure . .. 003-761 Incorrect Paper Tray Size .. 003-763 Adjustment Chart Not Found . . 003-780 Scan Image Compression Error . 003-795 AMS Limit Error . .. 003-942 Document size Auto Detect Failure . 003-944 Image repeat count Failure . ... 003-945 Magnification incongruent ... 003-946 Every direction difference (Copy APS) 003-947 Return Documents counts error . 003-948 Return Documents mismatch ..... 003-949 Document insufficient (image overlay) 003-950 Mix documents size error .. 003-955 Documents size exchange error . 003-956 Documents size unknown error .. 003-957 Platen Documents size error . . 003-963 No APS object Tray .. . 003-965 ATS/APS No Paper (IIT Detect) . 003-966 ATS/APS No Destination (IIT) .. 003-970 FAX Line Memory Overflow . 003-972 Maximum Stored Page Over Flow . .. 003-973 Every direction difference . 003-974 Next Original Specification .. 003-976 FAX Line Memory Overflow (N up) . . 003-977 Document Mismatch (Multiple Scan) . 003-980 Staple position error .. 003-981 Staple size error .....mucinhanoi365.com 005-xxx DADF ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ nạp bản gốc ) 005-121 CVT Feed Sensor On JAM . 005-122 CVT Simplex/Side1 Pre-Registration On JAM .. 005-123 CVT Simplex/Side1 Registration paper JAM .. 005-125 CVT Registration Sensor Off JAM . 005-131 CVT Invert On JAM 005-132 CVT Invert On JAM 2 . . 005-134 CVT Invert Sensor Off JAM(Inverter) . 005-135 CVT Side2 Pre-Registration On JAM . 005-136 CVT Side2 Registration On JAM . 005-139 CVT Invert Sensor Off JAM . 005-145 CVT Registration Sensor Off JAM (Invert) .. 005-146 CVT Pre Registration Sensor Off JAM . .. 005-147 CVT Pre Registration Sensor Off JAM (Invert) . 005-194 SS Size mismatch JAM on FF Mix-size .. 005-196 CVT Size Mismatch JAM (No Mix) . 005-197 Prohibit Combine Size JAM . 005-198 Too Short Size JAM .. 005-199 Too Long Size JAM .. 005-280 DADF EEPROM Failure .. 005-283 DADF Level Sensor Logic Fail 005-284 DADF APS Sensor Logic Failure . 005-285 DADF Nudger Lift Up Failure 005-286 DADF Feed Out Sensor Failure .. 005-302 CVT Feeder Cover Interlock Open . 005-304 CVT Platen Interlock Open . 005-305 CVT Feeder Cover Interlock Open (running) .. 005-307 CVT Platen Interlock Open on Running .. 005-906 CVT Feed Sensor Static JAM . 005-907 CVT Pre-Registration Sensor Static JAM .. 005-908 CVT Registration Sensor Static JAM . 005-913 CVT Invert Sensor Static JAM 005-915 CVT APS No1 Sensor Static JAM . 005-916 CVT APS No2 Sensor Static JAM . 005-917 CVT APS No3 Sensor Static JAM . 005-942 Doc fault loading on DADF . 005-943 DADF Tray Lift Up Failure . 010-xxx Fuser 010-313 Control Thermistor Failure . 010-314 Side Thermistor Failure . 010-318 Hot-Sagging Recovery Failure ... 010-320 Heat Roll Over Temperature Failure . 010-327 Fuser On Time Failure . . 010-398 Fuser Lock Failure ....mucinhanoi365.com.... 024-xxx IOT-ESS Communication ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới main IOT - ESS ) 024-340 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 1 024-341 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 2 024-342 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 3 024-343 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 4 . 024-345 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 5 024-346 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 6 024-347 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 7 024-348 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 8 024-349 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 9 024-350 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 10 024-351 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 11 024-354 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 14 . 024-356 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 16 024-362 Page Sync Illegal Start . 024-363 Page Sync Illegal Stop . 024-364 DMA Transfer Failure . . 024-367 Decompress Other Failure .. 024-368 PCI Error 024-370 Marker Code Detection Failure .... . 024-371 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 21 . 024-373 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 23 . 024-375 IOT-ESS Communication Failure 24 024-746 Print Request Failure-Paper . .. 024-747 Print Instruction Failure ....... 024-910 Tray 1 size mismatch . 024-911 Tray 2 size mismatch . 024-912 Tray 3 size mismatch . 024-913 Tray 4 size mismatch . 024-916 Mix Full Stack .. .-181 024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count . 024-919 Face UP Tray Close 024-946 Tray 1 Out Of Place . 024-947 Tray 2 Out Of Place 024-948 Tray 3 Out Of Place .. 024-949 Tray 4 Out Of Place .. 024-950 Tray 1 Empty ... 024-951 Tray 2 Empty 024-952 Tray 3 Empty ... 024-953 Tray 4 Empty .. 024-954 MSI Empty . 024-958 MSI Size Failure . 024-959 Tray 1 size mismatch . 024-960 Tray 2 size mismatch . 024-961 Tray 3 size mismatch . 024-962 Tray 4 size mismatch . 024-964 Stapler sheets counts over . .... 024-965 ATS/APS No Paper (IOT detect) . ... 024-966 ATS/APS No Destination Error ... 024-967 Different width Mix Paper detect (Stapler job) 024-976 Finisher Staple Status Failed 024-977 Stapler Feed Ready Failure . 024-979 Stapler Near Empty .. 024-980 Finisher Stacker Tray Full ... 024-982 Stacker Lower Safety warning 024-985 MSI Feed Failure .... 024-986 Confirmation Of Printing All . . 025-xxx Diag HDD ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới ổ cứng ) 027-xxx MAIL ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới thiết lập Mail ) 033-xxx FAX Control ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ điều khiển FAX ) 034-xxx FAX Communication ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ điều khiển FAX ) 035-xxx FAX Network ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới mạng nhận, gửi FAX ) 036-xxx FAX Parameter ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ đếm FAX ) 041-xxx NVM ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới main MCU ) 041-210 MCU NVM is out of order Tray Module 041-211 NVM Read/Write Failure Tray Module 041-340 MCU RAM Read/Write Failure ... 041-362 IOT NVM R/W Failure . ... .-414 041-363 MCU NVM Broken Failure . .-415 041-364 MCU CPU Power to access NVM is not enough ....... .-415 041-366 MCU Asic circuit to control Crum is defect . 042-xxx Drives ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ điều khiển mô tơ ) 042-323 Drum K Motor Drive Failure . . 042-325 Main Motor Failure ... 047-xxx Communication ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ hướng giấy ) 047-211 OCT1 Failure . 047-212 OCT2 Failure ... 047-213 Different type of Finisher . 047-214 MCU-DM communication Error .. 047-215 MCU-EXIT communication Error . .... .-422 047-216 MCU-Finisher communication Error . . .-422 047-218 MCU-TM communication Error ... .-423 061-xxx ROS ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ điều khiển laser ) 061-315 SOS Long K Failure . 061-321 ROS Motor Failure 061-333 ROS Fan defect . . 062-xxx IIT ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới main IIT ) 062-210 IISS Hot Line Failure . 062-211 IISS EEPROM LOCAL Failure ... 062-277 IISS - DADF Communication Failure . 062-300 Platen Interlock Open . 062-310 IISS - Controller Communication Failure .... 062-311 IISS Software Logic Failure . .. 062-345 IISS EEPROM sub system Failure . 062-360 Carriage Position Failure . 062-371 Lamp Illumination Failure ... 062-380 Platen AGC CH1 Failure ..... 062-386 Platen AOC CH1 Failure .. 062-389 Cartridge Over Run Failure 062-392 IISS PWBA Memory Failure-1 ... .-433 062-393 IISS PWBA Failure-2 . .... 071-xxx Tray 1 ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới khay 1 ) 071-105 Tray 1 Registration Sensor On JAM . ..mucinhanoi365.com... 071-210 Tray 1 Lift Up Failure . . 071-211 Tray 1 Broken . 072-xxx Tray 2 ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới khay 2 ) 072-101 Tray 2 Miss Feed JAM . .. 072-105 Tray 2 Registration Sensor On JAM . . 072-210 Tray 2 Lift Up Failure . .... 072-211 Tray 2 Broken .. 077-xxx JAM & Cover Open ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới khu vực tắc giấy và cửa mở ) 077-101 Registration Sensor Off JAM . . 077-103 Fuser Exit Sensor Off JAM . .... . 077-104 Exit Sensor off (too short) JAM .... .-464 077-106 Fuser Exit Sensor On JAM . .... 077-109 IOT Exit Sensor ON JAM Straight . .. .-466 077-113 IOT Exit Sensor OFF JAM Straight . .-467 077-114 Exit 2 Sensor Static JAM ... .-468 077-129 Registration Sensor On JAM (Duplex Feed/Stop Case) ......... .-468 077-130 Duplex Out Sensor On JAM . .. .-469 077-131 Duplex Wait Sensor On JAM . . .-470 077-211 Detected different Type Tray Module . ... .-471 077-300 IOT Front Cover Open . .. .-472 077-301 Left Hand Interlock Open ... .-472 077-305 Tray Module Left Hand Cover Interlock Open . .-473 077-307 DUP Cover Open ....... .-474 077-308 Left Hand HIGH Interlock Open .. .-474 077-309 Left Hand Low Interlock Open ... .-475 077-310 Controller Failed to send image .. .-475 077-329 Main Motor Stop Error . .. .-476 077-900 Registration Sensor Static JAM .. .-476 077-901 Fuser Exit Sensor Static JAM ..... .-477 077-902 Exit.Sensor 2 On JAM standby .... .-477 077-904 Tray 2 Feed Out Sensor Static JAM . . .-478 077-905 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Static JAM . . .-478 077-906 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Static JAM . . .-479 077-907 Duplex Sensor Static JAM . .-480 |
091-xxx Drum ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới cụm Trống ) 091-401 Drum Life Near To End ...... .-483 091-912 Xero/Developer Cartridge Set Fail . .. .-483 091-913 Xero/Developer Cartridge End of Life .... .-484 091-914 Xero/Developer Cartridge CRUM Transmission Failure ......... .-485 091-915 Xero/Developer Cartridge CRUM Data Write Failure . ... .-485 091-916 Drum CRUM Data Mismatch ..... 092-xxx Process Control ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới bộ cảm biến ảnh ) 092-910 ATC Sensor Failure .. 093-xxx Toner Supply ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới cụm mực ) 093-312 Dispense Motor Failure ..... 093-406 Toner Black Pre Near Empty ... 093-912 Toner Empty ...... .-490 093-924 Toner Cartridge CRUM Transmission Failure .. .-491 093-925 Toner CRUM Data Broken Failure . .-492 093-926 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch Failure . ... .-492 102-xxx UI ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới phần mềm ) 102-356 EWS Software Failure ...... .-493 102-380 MF UI Control Fatal Error .. .-493 102-381 Data Link Layer Error (UI-Panel) . .... .-494 102-382 Application Layer Command Error (UI-Panel) .. .-49 116-xxx Printing Control ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới phần in ) 121-xxx EP ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới hệ thống ) 121-310 EPSV-Accessory Communication Failure .. .-549 121-333 EPSV-EP M/C Communication Failure ...... .-549 121-334 EPSV Login Failure . .-550 121-335 EPSV Wake Up Answer Failure . .-550 121-336 Unknown EP Accessory ... .-551 121-337 EP Accessory Self Diag. Failure . .-551 121-338 EPSV Answer Time Out ... .-552 121-339 Changed Price Table Error . ... .-552 121-340 EP Accessory Mismatch ... .-553 121-350 EPSV Logic Failure ... .-553 121-370 EP-DX - Unexpected Error . . 123-xxx Software ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới phần mềm, hệ thống ) 123-200 Receive Buffer Overflow .... .-555 123-201 Send Buffer Overflow (UI-Panel) . ... .-555 123-202 Request Queue Full (UI-Panel) . .-556 123-205 SIO Command Failure (UI-Panel) . .. .-556 123-206 SIO Status Failure (UI-Panel) .... .-557 123-207 Comm Manager Target Failure (UI-Panel) . .-557 123-208 Comm Manager Command Failure (UI-Panel) ......... .-558 123-310 Send Queue Full (UI-Panel) . . .-558 123-311 Receive Queue Full (UI-Panel) ... .-559 123-312 EVM Uses Wrong API (UI-Panel) . .. .-559 123-313 AS Uses Wrong API (UI-Panel) . .-560 123-314 Event-waiting Timer Time-outs-Panel) . . .-560 123-315 CTS Internal Failure (UI-Panel) . .-561 123-316 Send Request Queue Full SIO (UI-Panel) ....... .-561 123-317 Receive Message Queue Full (UI-Panel) ... .-562 123-318 Receive Finish Queue Full (UI-Panel) . .. .-562 123-319 Send Failure with No ACK (UI-Panel) .... .-563 123-320 Polling Failure (UI-Panel) ... .-563 123-321 Send Message Failure (UI-Panel) . .. .-564 123-322 Target Failure (UI-Panel) ... .-564 123-323 Address Failure (UI-Panel) . ... .-565 123-324 Size Failure (UI-Panel) ..... .-565 123-325 Object Creation Failure (UI-Panel) . .-566 123-326 Memory Overflow (UI-Panel) ..... .-566 123-327 Button Overflow (UI-Panel) . ... .-567 123-328 UI Internal Failure with Out of Area . .-567 123-329 UI Internal Failure with Invalid Coordinates . .-568 123-330 Interface Failure with invalid Parameter LCD . . .-568 123-331 UI Internal Failure with Invalid LED Request . .. .-569 123-332 Interface Failure (Invalid Parameter CP) ..... .-569 123-333 Interface Failure (Impossible Communication) . .-570 123-334 Interface Failure (Receiving Error Key Code) .. .-570 123-335 Interface Failure (Receiving Invalid Coordinates) .......... .-571 123-336 Interface Failure (DM-ACD Driver) . . .-571 123-337 Frame Data Error with Invalid Data Type ... .-572 123-338 Frame Data Error Offset Address Out . .. .-572 123-339 Display Request Code Invalid ..... .-573 123-340 Interface Failure GUAM - DM I/F . ... .-573 123-341 Event Queue Full (UI-Panel) . . .-574 123-342 Event Queue Empty (UI-Panel) . .-574 123-343 Invalid Class (UI-Panel) .... .-575 123-344 Invalid Type (UI-Panel) ...... .-575 123-345 Timer Queue Full (UI-Panel) . .. .-576 123-346 Invalid Timer Number (UI-Panel) . ... .-576 123-347 Undefined T. (UI-Panel) . .-577 123-348 Command Access Exception (UI-Panel) .... .-577 123-349 Invalid Command (UI-Panel) . . .-578 123-350 Privilege Command (UI-Panel) .. .-578 123-351 No FPU Exception (UI-Panel) ..... .-579 123-352 Address Misalign (UI-Panel) . . .-579 123-353 Data Access Exception (UI-Panel) . .-580 123-354 Tag Overflow (UI-Panel) ... .-580 123-355 No Co Processor Exception (UI-Panel) ...... .-581 123-356 Short of Area (UI-Panel) .... .-581 123-357 Cancel Wait Status (UI-Panel) .... .-582 123-358 Time-out (UI-Panel) . .-582 123-359 Queue Overflow (UI-Panel) . .. .-583 123-360 Context Failure (UI-Panel) . .-583 123-361 Object Failure (UI-Panel) .. .-584 123-362 No Object (UI-Panel) . .... .-584 123-363 Invalid ID (UI-Panel) . .... .-585 123-364 Parameter Failure (UI-Panel) .... .-585 123-365 Reserve Attribute (UI-Panel) ..... .-586 123-366 Reserve Function Code (UI-Panel) . . 123-367 Unsupported Function (UI-Panel) . .. 123-368 Short of UI Memory (UI-Panel) . 123-369 Invalid Interface Value (UI-Panel) . .. 123-370 Interface Length Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-371 Interface Parameter Failure (UI-Panel) 123-372 Interface Sequence Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-373 Channel Failure (UI-Panel) 123-374 Invalid User Job ID (UI-Panel) . 123-375 Internal Resource Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-376 Internal Memory Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-377 UI Timer Failure (UI-Panel) . .. 123-378 Interface Format Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-379 Dispatch Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-380 Copy Interface Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-381 Fax Interface Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-382 Scanner Interface Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-383 Report Interface Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-384 Server Access Failure (UI-Panel) . .. 123-385 Service Object Overflow (UI-Panel) . 123-386 Invalid Service Object (UI-Panel) . . 123-387 Invalid Service Object Attribute (UI-Panel) . 123-388 Attribute Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-389 Argument Failure (UI-Panel) . .. 123-390 Job Parameter Failure (UI-Panel) . . 123-391 Job Actual Parameter Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-392 Auditron Failure (UI-Panel) 123-393 EP Failure (UI-Panel) 123-394 File Access Failure (UI-Panel) 123-395 NVM Failure (UI-Panel) 123-396 FF Failure (UI-Panel) . 123-397 MGR Failure (UI-Panel) 123-398 Delay Release Queue Full (UI-Panel) 123-399 Internal Failure (UI-Panel) 123-400 JRM I/F Internal Failure (UI-Panel) . 124-xxx ROM/RAM ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới RAM, ROM ) 124-210 All IOT Speed Mismatch ..mucinhanoi365.com 124-312 DC132 12 . 124-313 DC132 10 . 124-314 DC132 01 . 124-315 DC132 02 124-316 DC132 03 . 124-317 DC132 04 124-318 DC132 07 124-319 DC132 08 124-320 SEEPROM Failure 124-321 Backup SRAM Failure . 124-322 DC132 05 124-323 DC132 06 124-325 Billing Restoration Failure 124-331 ESS ROM DIMM #1 Not Found 124-333 ASIC Failure (Panther) 124-334 Standard Font ROM Error 124-335 Font ROM Not Found . 124-337 ESS Standard RAM Error 124-338 Same Font ROMs Found 124-339 ROM DIMM of Another Product Found . 124-340 CRUM Market Failure ALL 124-341 CRUM Market Failure MCU 124-342 CRUM Market Failure SYS 1 . 124-343 CRUM Market Failure SYS 2 . 124-350 CRUM OEM Failure ALL 124-351 CRUM OEM Failure MCU 124-352 CRUM OEM Failure SYS 1 124-353 CRUM OEM Failure SYS 2 124-360 CRUM validation Failure ALL 124-361 CRUM validation Failure MCU 124-362 CRUM validation Failure SYS 1 124-363 CRUM validation Failure SYS 2 124-372 IOT Controller Software Error 124-373 IOT Manager Software Failure 124-374 IOT IM Device Driver Software Failure 124-380 CRUM Market fail ALL(2) 124-381 CRUM Market fail MCU(2) 124-382 CRUM Market fail SYS1(2) 124-383 CRUM Market fail SYS2(2) 124-390 OEM Market fail ALL(2) 124-391 CRU OEM fail MCU(2) 124-392 CRU OEM fail SYS1(2) 124-393 CRU OEM fail SYS2(2) 124-701 Side Tray to Center Tray 124-380 CRUM Market fail ALL(2) 124-381 CRUM Market fail MCU(2) 124-382 CRUM Market fail SYS1(2) 124-383 CRUM Market fail SYS2(2) 124-390 OEM Market fail ALL(2) 124-391 CRU OEM fail MCU(2) 124-392 CRU OEM fail SYS1(2) 124-393 CRU OEM fail SYS2(2) 125-xxx PSW 125-311 PSW Controller Unexpected Error .(FX Only) 127-xxx Software Other ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới phần mềm ) 127-310 ESR Task Fatal Error 127-337 Job Template HDD Write Error 127-342 Job Template Monitor Failure 127-353 LPD Soft Fatal Error 127-396 Mail I/O Soft Fatal Error 127-398 IPP Soft Fatal Error 127-399 JME Soft Fatal Error 133-xxx Fax Control ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới fax ) 133-210 Fax Parameter incorrect 133-211 Fax Parameter Value Invalid 133-212 Fax Read Error- No Data 133-213 Fax Read Error- Invalid Data 133-214 Fax USB Open Failure in Initializing 133-215 Fax USB Device Fatal Error 133-216 Fax USB Host Fatal Error 133-217 Fax Manager Short of Memory 133-218 Fax Card Message Library Short of Memory 133-219 Fax Short of Work Memory 133-220 Fax Control task detects Error 133-221 Fax Card not respond when system is Booting 133-222 Fax Card does not respond intervalley 133-223 Fax Card Reset 133-224 Controller ROM Fax Card ROM mismatch 133-225 Fax address book illegal setting 133-280 Fax Option Slot1 Board Failure 133-281 Received unknown message 133-282 Fax Card download Failure . 134-xxx Fax Card ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới fax ) 202-xxx Timer ( Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236/286/336 bị lỗi liên quan tới thời gian ) 202-399 Timer Internal Failure |
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: mã lỗi Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236, mã lỗi Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 286, mã lỗi Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 336, Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 236 báo lỗi, Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 286 báo lỗi, Fuji Xerox DocuCentre 336 báo lỗi