[Nội dung chính]
Khi máy Fuji Xerox DocuCentre IV 2060-3060-3065 bị lỗi trên màn hình sẽ hiển thị lỗi dạng XXX-XXX các bạn tra mã tương ứng với mã ở bảng dưới đây để biết máy bị lỗi gì. Bảng mã có thể áp dụng cho cho máy Fuji Xerox workcentre 5335 khi báo lỗi
018-400 IPSEC Error
018-401 Incosistent SIP configuration
018-402 SIP server communication fail
018-403 SIP registraion fail (authentication)
018-404 SIP registration fail(other)
018-405 UserAccount Disable
018-500 CA Message Receiver Boot Error(S_cert lost)
018-501 CA Server Connection Error
018-502 Login failure in SMB
018-503 CA Message Receiver Timeout
018-504 CA SessionID Mismatch
018-505 SMB-DOS protocol error 1-005
018-506 CA FieldID Mismatch
018-507 CA Credential Error
018-508 CA Server Fatal Error
018-509Template parameter conflict
018-510Host name solution error in BMLinkS
018-511 DNS server un-sets up in BMLinkS
018-512 Service Connect error in BMLinkS
018-513 BMLinkS Service Not Found
018-514 bmlinks access-right-violation
018-515 bmlinks storage-access-error
018-516 bmlinks unsupported-attribute
018-517 bmlinks storage-full
018-518 bmlinks operation-not-available
018-519 bmlinks unknown-error
018-520 Internal error in BMLinkS Scan
018-521 request send failure in BMLinkS
018-522 response receive failure in BMLinkS
018-523 image send failure in BMLinkS
018-524 Invalid device network setting
018-525 HDD full or HDD access error
018-526 Rejected to be refresh
018-527 JT Monitor Internal error
018-528 Soap request error
018-529 Duplicate scan request
018-530 Authentication error
018-531 Failed to create a new job
018-532 Too many jobs to create a new
018-543 Shared name error in SMB server
018-547 The number restriction over of SMB scan users
018-556 HTTP server script error
018-557 HTTP Invalid char in filename
018-558 HTTP file not found
018-559 HTTP File duplication fail
018-560 HTTP server login fail
018-561 HTTP server not found
018-562 TTP client error
018-563 HTTP server error
018-564 Host name solution error in HTTP
018-565 Proxy name solution error in HTTP
018-566 Server Connect error in HTTP
018-567 HTTP server access fail
018-568 HTTP server SSL access fail
018-569 HTTP server certificate fail
018-570 HTTP certificate fail
018-571 Internal error in Scan
018-572 Invalid char in context
018-573 Invalid char in server
018-574 Invalid char in volume
018-575 Invalid char in login
018-576 Invalid char in path
018-577Invalid char in file
018-578 Nw server not found
018-579 Nw server disk full
018-580 Netware invalid volume
018-581 Netware invalid path
018-582Access right fail
018-583Nw server disk error
018-584Nw server access fail
018-585Netware error in use
018-586Netware login fail
018-587File duplication fail
018-588Scan filing policy invalid
018-589 NEXTNAMEDAT error
018-590 Same name exists
018-591File name suffix limit over
018-592lock folder create fail
018-593lock folder delete fail
018-595Detected user duplication, in LDAP
018-596 LDAP protocol error 596
018-700Network Stack is not Initialized Fail
018-701 LDAP protocol error 01
018-702 LDAP protocol error 02
018-703 LDAP protocol error 03
018-704 LDAP protocol error 04
018-705 LDAP protocol error 05
018-706 LDAP protocol error 06
018-707 LDAP protocol error 07
018-708 LDAP protocol error 08
018-709Active Communication is Unavailable Now Fail
018-710 LDAP protocol error 10
018-711 LDAP protocol error 11
018-712 LDAP protocol error 12
018-713 LDAP protocol error 13
018-714 LDAP protocol error 14
018-716 LDAP protocol error 16
018-717 LDAP protocol error 17
018-725Kerberos Attestation protocol error 22
018-726Kerberos Attestation protocol error 70
018-727Kerberos Attestation protocol error 71
Kerberos Attestation protocol error 72
018-732 LDAP protocol error 32
018-733 LDAP protocol error 33
018-734 LDAP protocol error 34
018-735 LDAP protocol error 35
018-736 LDAP protocol error 36
018-748 LDAP protocol error 48
018-749 LDAP protocol error 49
021-xxx FIP
021-210 USB IC Card Reader connection error
021-211 USB IC Card Reader broken
021-212 USB IC Card Reader preparing error
021-213Controller Price Table Error
021-214USB IC Card Reader encryption setting error
021-215Invalid Accessory Kind Setting
021-360 EP Accessory Fail
021-361 EP Accessory Kind Config Error
021-400 Check Request
021-401 USB IC Card Reader connection error info
021-500 EPAccessoryJobExclusion
021-501Invalid URL has detected
021-502Couldn’t resolve proxy name
021-503Couldn’t resolve host name
021-504Couldn’t connect to host/proxy
021-505Couldn’t establish SSL session
021-506An invalid peer certificate has received
021-507 Proxy unauthorized access
021-508 A connection to host/proxy has timed out
021-509 SOAP Fault: An invalid message detected
021-510 SOAP Fault: The MC already unregistered
021-511 SOAP Fault: The MC already registered (WEP)
021-512 SOAP Fault: The MC already registered (EP-SV)
021-513 SOAP Fault: The MC already registered (EP-DX)
021-514 SOAP Fault: The MC already registered (EP-TRESS)
021-515 SOAP Fault: An invalid product code detected
021-516 SOAP Fault: An invalid serial number detected
021-517 SOAP Fault: The service not responded
021-518SOAP Fault: An internal error occurred on server
021-519 SOAP Fault: Service is temporarily unavailable
021-520 Couldn’t connect to CA
021-521 A connection to CA has timed out
021-522 A miscellaneous CA comm error has detected
021-523 An internal error has occurred
021-524 A registeration conflict has detected
021-525 An unregistration conflict has detected
021-526 A miscellaneous http session error has detected
021-527 An invalid message has received
021-528 A communication settings was set as disabled
021-529 Device has already latest firmware
021-530 An internal error has occurred on update server
021-531 Service is temporarily unavailable on update svr
021-532 Found an unsupported ROM set
021-533 Software Update unoperational by user
021-534 Found an unsupported submodule
021-535 Found an unsupported peripheral
021-700 Accessory Failure
021-701 Accessory Preparing
021-731 EP Accessory - Function Disabled
021-732 EP Accessory Error732
021-733 EP Accessory Error733
021-750 U Parts Request Fail (EP-SV)
021-751 Maintenance Request Fail (EP-SV)
021-770 U Parts Request Fail (EP-DX)
021-771 Maintenance Request Fail (EP-DX)
021-772 EPDX Install, Remove Error
021-941 EP - Scan Service Paused By Disable
021-942 EP - Scan Service Paused By Color Mode
021-943 EP - Print Service Paused By Disable
021-944 EP - Print Service Paused By Color Mode
021-945 EP - Service Paused By Disable
021-946 EP - Service Paused By Color Mode
021-947 Subtractive Accessory Disable (Scan)
021-948 Subtractive Accessory Disable (Print)
021-949Subtractive Accessory Disable
023-xxx FIP
023-600 Held Down Key Error(UI-Panel)
023-601Held Down Softkey Error(UI-Panel)
024-xxx FIP024-340 IOT-ESS
024-341 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 2
024-342 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 3
024-343 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 4
024-345 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 5
024-346 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 6
024-347 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 7
024-348 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 8
024-349 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 9
024-910 Tray1 size mismatch
024-911 Tray2 size mismatch
024-912 Tray3 size mismatch
024-913Tray4 size mismatch
024-914Tray6 size mismatch
024-915Tray7 size mismatch
024-916 Mix Full Stack
024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count
024-919 FaceUP Tray Close
024-920 Face Down Tray1 Paper FULL
024-922 Face Down Tray2 Paper FULL
024-923 Operation Y Toner Empty
024-924 Operation M Toner Empty
024-925 Operation C Toner Empty
024-926 Punch DustBox Miss Set
024-927 OCT Full Stack
024-928 Scratch Sheet Compile (A-Fin)
024-929 Center Tray Full Stack
024-930 Stacker Tray Full (LargeSize Full)
024-931 Staple Dust Full
024-932 Staple Box Set Fail
024-933 Operation Y Drum End of Life
024-934 Paper kind mismatch
024-935 Tray 1 paper mismatch
024-936 Tray 2 paper mismatch
024-937 Tray 3 paper mismatch
024-938 OHP kind mismatch at Tray4 (Not white frame OHP)
024-939 OHP kind mismatch (Not white frame OHP)
024-940 Folder Tray Out Of Place
024-941Folder Tray Full Stack
024-942Booklet sheets counts over
024-943 Booklet Low Staple
024-945 Booklet Full Stack
024-946 Tray 1 Out Of Place
024-947 Tray 2 Out Of Place
024-948 Tray 3 Out Of Place
024-949 Tray 4 Out Of Place
024-950 Tray 1 Empty
024-951 Tray 2 Empty
024-952 Tray 3 Empty
024-953 Tray 4 Empty
024-954 Tray SMH Empty
024-955 Tray 6 Empty
024-956 Tray 7 Empty
024-957 Interposer Empty
024-958 SMH size mismatch
024-959 Tray1 size mismatch
024-960 Tray2 size mismatch
024-961 Tray3 size mismatch
024-962 Tray4 size mismatch
024-350 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 10
024-351 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 11
024-352 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 12
024-353 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 13
024-354 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 14
024-355 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 15
024-356 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 16
024-357 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 17
024-358 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 18
024-359 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 19
024-360 IOT-ESS Initialization Fail
024-361 Invalid IOT PaperSizeGroup Info
024-362 Page Sync Illegal Start
024-363 Page Sync Illegal Stop
024-364 DMA Transfer Fail
024-365 Overflow on Loop Back Write
024-366 JBIG Library Other Fail
024-367 Decompress Other Fail
024-368 PCI Error
024-370 Marker Code Detection Fail
024-371 IOT-ESSCommunication Fail 21
024-372 IOT-ESSCommunication Fail 22
024-373 IOT-ESSCommunication Fail 23
024-374 Regi Con PLL Parameter Fail
024-375 IOT-ESSCommunication Fail 24
024-376 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 25
024-600 Billing Master Counter repair
024-601 Billing Backup Counter 1 repair
024-602 Billing Backup Counter 2 repair
024-603 SWKey Master Counter repair
024-604 SWKey Backup Counter 1 repair
024-605 SWKey Backup Counter 2 repair
024-606 Billing Meter Type Master Counter repaire
024-607 Billing Meter Type Backup Counter 1 repaire
024-608 Billing
Meter Type Backup Counter 2 repaire
024-609 Billing CountType Master Counter repaire
024-610 Billing
CountType Backup Counter 1 repaire
024-611 Billing
CountType Backup Counter 2 repaire
024-612 Modal Break Point Master Counter repaire
024-613 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 1 repaire
024-614 Modal Break Point Backup Counter 2 repaire
024-700 Shortage memory capacity, or no Hard Disk
024-701 Invalid instruction of face inversion
024-702 Paper Jam
Booklet Sheets Count Over While Printing Fail
024-742Print Booklet sheets counts over
024-746Print Request Failure-Paper
024-747Print Instruction Fail
024-748 Bates Numbering Digit Over
024-775Print Booklet sheets counts over(Not field attachment)
024-900 Upper Tray Out Of Place
024-963 Finisher Punch DustBox FULL
024-965 ATS/APS No Paper (IOTsc detect)
024-966 ATS/APS No Destination Error
024-967 Different width Mix Paper detect (Stapler job)
024-968 Stapler/Punch Batting
024-969 Different width Mix Punch
024-970 Tray 6 Out Of Place
024-971 Tray 7 Out Of Place
024-972 Tray6 size mismatch
024-973 Tray7 size mismatch
024-974 Interposer Tray Size Mismatch
024-975 Copy Booklet sheets counts over
024-976 Finisher Staple Status NG
024-977 Stapler Feed Ready Fail
024-978 Booklet Stapler NG
024-979 Stapler Near Empty
024-980 Finisher Stacker Tray Full
024-981 Finisher TopTray Full
024-982 Stacker Lower Safety warning
024-983 Booklet Tray Full
024-984 Booklet Low Staple F
024-985 SMH Stop check
024-987 Envelop Folder Tray Full
024-988 Envelop Folder Tray Set Fail
024-989 Booklet Low Staple R
024-990 Punch Dust Full
025-xxx FIP
025-596 Diag HDD Mentenance Fail
025-597 Diag HDD Initialize Fail
026-400 Exceed the number of connection of USB Host Fail
026-700 LDAP protocol MAX error
026-701 Adress Book request overflow
026-702 Adress Book directory service overflow
026-703 Abort with Logout
026-704 DocuWorks Error
026-705 DocuWorks Short of Memory
026-706 DocuWorks Print Prohibited
026-707 DocuWorks Unlock Failed
026-708 URL data size over
026-709 URL hdd full
026-710 S/MIME unsupported cipher decrypt fail
026-711 Multi-page file size over
026-712 HTTP out job overlap error
026-713 Couldnt detect proxy server automatically
026-714 Couldnt connect to Xerox server or proxy
026-715 Connection to Xerox server has timed out
026-716 An invalid state message received from server
026-717 Invalid network settings were found
026-718 PS Print Instruction Fail
026-719 Internal error in Scan
026-720 Media full
026-721 Media access fail
026-722 Media format fail
026-723 Media access fail
026-724 Remote Download file size error
026-725 Remote Download file checksum error
026-726 Options inconsistent
026-727 Media filepath fail
026-728 WSD Scan Network Access Fail
026-729 WSD Scan Data Transfer Fail
026-730 Can’t Detect Paper Size Of Specified Tray
026-731 PJL PIN Number Fail
026-732 PJL Printcount Range Over Fail
026-733 PJL Password Fail
026-734 Can not change to the PJLDIAG MODE
026-735 Authentication Makes Waiting Print Jobs Deleted
027-400 Net Off Line
027-442 Duplicat IP address
027-443 DNS renewal failure of dynamic
027-444 Duplicat IP address
027-445 Illegal IP address
027-446 Duplicat IP address
027-447 Duplicat IP address
027-452 Duplicat IP address
027-500 SMTP Server Fail for Mail IO
027-501 POP Server Fail for Mail IO
027-502 POP Authentication Fail for Mail IO
027-503 POP server communication timeout
027-504 Response reception is not expected from server
027-513 SMB Scan client has no right to access
027-514 Host name solution error in SMB
027-515 DNS server un-sets up in SMB
027-516 Server connection error in SMB
027-518 Login name or a password error in SMB
027-519 Scanning picture preservation place error in SMB
027-520 File name acquisition failure from SMB server
027-521 File name suffix limit over in SMB
027-522 File creation failure in SMB
027-523 Lock folder creation failure in SMB
027-524 Folder creation failure in SMB
027-525 File delete failure in SMB
027-526 Lock folder delete failure in SMB
027-527 Folder delete failure in SMB
027-528 Data write-in failure to SMB server
027-529 Data read failure from SMB server
027-530 File name duplicate failure in SMB
027-531 SMB scan filing policy injustice
027-532 NEXTNAMEDAT file access error in SMB
027-533 Internal error in SMB Scan
027-543 SMB server name specification error
027-547 SMB Protocol error 4-007
027-548 SMB Protocol error 4-008
027-549 SMB Protocol error 4-009
027-564 SMB Protocol error 4-024
027-565 SMB Protocol error 4-025
027-566 SMB Protocol error 4-026
027-569 SMB (TCP/IP)is not started
027-572 SMB Protocol error 4-032
027-573 SMB Protocol error 4-033
027-574 SMB Protocol error 4-034
027-576 SMB Protocol error 4-036
027-578 SMB Protocol error 4-038
027-584 SMB Protocol error 4-044
027-585 SMB Protocol error 4-045
027-586 SMB Protocol error 4-046
027-587 SMB Protocol error 4-047
027-588 SMB Protocol error 4-048
027-589 SMB Protocol error 4-049
027-590 SMB Protocol error 4-050
027-591 SMB Protocol error 4-051
027-599 SMB Protocol error 4-other
027-600 ExtPrint Check Mode Error
027-700 Mail address domain err
027-701 Disconnect network cable
027-702 Certificate for addresses, was not found
027-703 Certificate for addresses, was expired
027-704 Certificate for addresses, was untrusted
027-705 Certificate for addresses, was revoked
027-706 Certificate not found
027-707 Certificate expired
027-708 Certificate untrusted
027-709 Certificate revoked
027-733 Server SSL Err
027-734 Server Certificate Err
027-735 Device SSL Config Err
027-736 Device Certificate Err
027-737 Template Server Read ERR
027-739 Invalid Template Server Path
027-740 Template Server Login ERR
027-741 Template Server Connect Fail
027-742 HD File System Full
027-743 Template Server Install ERR
027-744 Template Server ADD ERR (DNS Library)
027-745 Template Server ADD ERR (DNS address)
027-746 JobTemplate Pool Server Not Ready
027-750 Fax document incongruent
027-751 Job Template analysis error
027-752 Must user un inputting
027-753 Job flow service request disabled
027-754 Job flow service File signature setting mismatch
027-760 XJT Command Fail
027-761 Web Print time out
027-762 Illegal Web Print job ticket
027-763 Auditron - Cannot Verify User
027-770 PDL Error
027-771 DFE Disk Full
027-772 SMTP server error (HELO Command refusal)
027-773 SMTP server communication timeout
027-774 SMTP address inaccurate character
027-775 Too many SMTP address
027-776 SMTP server error (EHLO Command refusal)
027-777 SMTP server un-supports SMTP-AUTH
027-778 There is no mode specified by SMTP-AUTH
027-779 It attestation-fails by SMTP-AUTH
027-796 Email Not Printed
027-797 Invalid Output Destination
027-910 Manual duplex operation(Back Print from Tray7)
027-911 Manual duplex(Back Print from Tray6)
027-912 Manual duplex(Back Print from Tray5)
027-913 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Front Print)
027-914 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Front Print)
027-915 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Front Print)
027-916 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Back Print)
027-917 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Back Print)
027-918 Manual duplex(Back Recovery - Back Print)
028-xxx FIP
028-910 Wrong Fusing Unit Type Fail
028-911 Wrong Fusing Unit Mode Fail
028-912 Fusing Unit Lever Envelope Fail
033-xxx FIP
033-310 Fax Charge Function Fail By Multi Channel
033-311 Invalid Addressbook Data are Registered
033-312 Controller not respond when system is changing mode
033-313 USB disconnected
033-314 Controller ROM Fax Card ROM mismatch
033-315 USB Fatal Error
033-316 FAX Device Cont Error
033-317 FAX Device Error
033-318 Image Processing Error
033-319 Fax Control task detects error
033-320 Controller not respond when system is Booting
033-321 Fax Card not respond when system is Booting
033-322 FAX Card I/F timeout
033-323 FAX Card Mini I/F timeout
033-324 USB state change Error
033-325 FCM Fatal Error
033-326 Mini Manager Fatal Error
033-327 FCM no response to stop request
033-328 Failed to initialize fax log
033-329 Detected fax process failuer
033-330 FoIP Unrecoverable Error
033-331 FoIP Controller Init Fail
033-332 FoIP Cont not respond when system is Booting
033-333 FoIP Cont not respond when system is sleeping
033-334 Can not send a message to FoIP CONT
033-335 Illegal fault code notice
033-336 Access to a non-mounted channel
033-337 FaxCard mismatch
033-338 Illegal type of FaxBox
033-339 faxc2 not respond when system is sleeping
033-363 Fax Card Reset (Reboot)
033-500 No CS after RS Req
033-501 No Appropriate PIX Data
033-502 Post-message resend exceeded
033-503 T1 Timeout
033-504 T2 Timeout
033-505 T5 Timeout
033-506 DCN Receive
033-507 Unable to receive by remote
033-508 Destination Polling Error
033-509 DCS/NSS Resend Exceeded
033-510 Fallback Error
033-511 No response after 3rd DTC/NSC
033-512 Remote has no Relay
033-513 Remote has no Mailbox
033-514 Carrier Down Detected
033-516 EOR Receive
033-517 ECM Phase C Flag Timeout
033-518 Remote cannot receive SUB
033-519 PTX has no SEP capability
033-520 Remote cannot receive passward
033-521 Transmission Canceled via DTMF
033-522 DTMF I/F Timeout
033-523 Line 1 not connected
033-524 Line 2 not connected
033-525 Line 3 not connected
033-526 ECM Error
033-527 EOR Send
033-528 RTN Send
033-529 RTN Receive
033-530 DTMF Illegal Procedure Error
033-531 DTMF Procedure Error
033-532 Illegal Command Received
033-533 T30 Protocol Error
033-534 Unsupported Function at Remote
033-535 DCN Receive at Phase B Send
033-536 Ring Stopped before Fax Device Release
033-537 In and out call conflict
033-538 Fax Sending Image Process Error
033-539 Fax Receiving Image Process
033-540 Fax Printing Image Process Error
033-541 No destination specified
033-542 Selected Channel Dial Error
033-543 Dial Error (Incorrect Dial Data)
033-544 Busy tone detect
033-545 T0 Timeout
033-546 Cannot detect dial tone
033-547 Abort during transmission
033-548 No manual send line
033-549 Fax service disabled
033-550 cannot diable FAX service
033-551 Internal I/F Error
033-552 too many Error lines
033-553 no mailbox/relay
033-554 Wrong Password/Receive Banned
033-555 incorrect password
033-556 Wrong Password/Send Banned
033-557 Desinations or Sevices Exceeded
033-558 remote ID is in black list
033-559 no remote ID
033-560illegal authentication ID
033-561 cannot do TRESS/RCC job
033-562held RCC job
033-563 No printable paper size
033-564 Power Off during transmission
033-565 No of Desinations Exceeded
033-566 No destination specified
033-567 Dial Error (Incorrect Dial Data)
033-568 FCM watchdog timeout in FAX
033-569 Detected image direction conflict
033-570 Retry Over(no shutdown notification setting)
033-571 Manual send job canceled(FaxReportLogFull)
033-572 FaxReport print job canceled(JobFull occured)
033-573 domain regulation check error
033-574 Access to a non-mounted channel
033-575 Modem Polarity Inversion Detected
033-576 Inaccurate dial data
033-577 Modem Image Under Run
033-578 Modem Frame Size Over
033-580 Missing VoIP Gateway
033-581 Access Authentication failure
033-582 Mismatched ability
033-583 Temporarily unavailable
033-584 SIP request timeout
033-585SIP request error
033-586 T38 Protocol Not Ready
033-593 Canceled By Remote Peer
033-710 Document does not exist
033-711 Illegal Page inside Document
033-712 System Memory exceeded
033-713 No specified Chain Link
033-714 Scan Error (No specified doc)
033-715 Cannot start job
Bảng tra lỗi máy Fuji Xerox DocuCentre-IV 2060-3060-3065 Phần 3 xem tại đây
Bảng tra lỗi máy Fuji Xerox DocuCentre-IV 2060-3060-3065 Phần 1 xem tại đây
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: xerox IV 2060 báo lỗi, mã lỗi xerox IV 2060, tra mã lỗi xerox IV 2060, tra mã lỗi máy photocopy xerox IV 2060, xerox IV 3060 báo lỗi, mã lỗi xerox IV 3060, tra mã lỗi xerox IV 3060, tra mã lỗi máy photocopy xerox IV 3060, xerox IV 3065 báo lỗi, mã lỗi xerox IV 3065, tra mã lỗi xerox IV 3065, tra mã lỗi máy photocopy xerox IV 3065
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